Hi, I'm Mandi!
Inner Wisdom Coach . . . and a whole lot more
Have you ever felt like someone pushed the pause button on your life? Like you’re stuck in a holding pattern? You know you want to make changes, but you don’t know where to begin and the thought of even taking that first step puts you in a state of overwhelm! It’s an uncomfortable place to be when you can’t see your way through to the other side. I know this because I’ve been there. And what I know for sure is: All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end…
Sometimes all we need is someone who….
Can help us see our blind spots
Will listen without judgment or the need to fix us
Can help us navigate this beautiful and messy journey
Can help us trust the whispers of our inner wisdom
Let me be that ‘someone’!

"The magic is in the mess."
-Brené Brown
"Most of us don't need more therapy...
what we need is more clarity"

My Approach To Coaching
I’ve made it my mission to help women embrace being in a place of uncertainty. Through my own experience with a coach and as a coach, I’ve learned to be okay with not always knowing what to do or how to do it. When the answers aren’t clear, we need patience and self-compassion so our innate wisdom is given the time and space it needs to bring forth the answers. This is what I now call ‘inner wisdom’ coaching.
I’m dedicated to helping you unearth the wisdom that resides deep within you. I help my clients move from a place of searching outside of themselves for answers to becoming more ‘inner directed’. Together we embark on a journey of self-discovery, where you’ll learn to trust your intuition and navigate life’s twists and turns with new found clarity and confidence.
I heard this from one of my own coaches…
People won’t hire you for your knowledge. They will hire you for revealing them to themselves so they feel seen, heard, understood and motivated to make changes.”
I LOVE this! It really resonates with me because this is what I believe I do as a coach.
I have a gentle, yet direct approach to helping you find the answers within you. My intuition is one of my superpowers; that, and I am a patient listener. More often than not, I’m not just listening to hear what you’re saying, I’m listening for all the nuances and words you’re not saying. I’m also listening for the feelings I can hear coming through your voice. This is how I know I can help you sort through your own thoughts, your feelings and all the self-judgments that have been keeping you stuck and holding you back from whatever transformation your soul is trying to make.
So…what’s next?
Let’s begin with an impactful ‘Discovery Call’ to get you moving in the right direction with some powerful and tangible results.
I can say with all honesty that coaching helped me become a better version of myself.
Are you ready? Click the button below …and let’s get started!

"Maybe the journey isn't so much about BECOMING anything. Maybe it's about UN-BECOMING everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place." - Paul Coelho