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Two Friends; Intelligence & Intuition

One fine morning, when I poured a cup of my favourite spice tea, I noticed a quote on the back of the little tab that’s attached to the string of the tea bag…it says “Intelligence and intuition are two friends”. 


I love this! In five little words it sums up how I make decisions in my life. Feelings and facts…two friends that need to work together to help us navigate through the multitude of decisions we make hundreds of times a day. What I have come to realize, especially in the past few years, is that I spend a little too much time in the intuition camp and not enough time with my tent pitched in my “intellect” camp.


When making important decisions, I have come to understand that listening to the little voice that speaks to me and gives me that feeling to follow my gut… (although is my first ‘go to’ response), it’s also very important to move emotion and feeling aside and look at the facts. When this is done in tandem, they come together in a harmonious marriage; one that exists in order to make an informed decision which makes sense…and feels good!


How do we distinguish between the inner voice of intuition and the inner critic?

In my world, the inner voice of intuition is one that comes with a feeling…almost like a wash over me that makes me pay attention…like an ‘aha’ moment. It comes with it a certain feeling that I cannot really explain other than, I never feel it any other time.


I also actually hear a voice that gets my attention. It’s a voice in my head, but it’s someone else speaking the words…I like to think of it as my angels or God guiding me and talking to me (we have regular conversations…just sayin’). There’s nothing ‘religious’ about it…it’s a spiritual experience that us humans have all the time…we just need to be aware of it! On the other hand, the voice that just natters at me 24/7 (the one I have to tell to ‘shut up’!), is the monkey chatter or the voice of my ego. It’s just there making sure I am safe, keeping within my comfort zone and never straying too far from the ‘norm’ so I can stay small and avoid taking risks (or not easily anyway).

If “Intelligence and intuition are friends”, how do you make decisions? How does your intuition make itself known to you? I’m curious to know…and I believe we can all learn from each other!


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