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“Coaches have the most wonderful job in the world. They find people in various stages of ‘sleep’. We get to tap them on the shoulder and be with them as they ‘wake up’ to the full magnificence of life.”

- Syd Banks

Three ways to work with me:

One hour  “Discovery Call” : Investment in yourself is $100

This conversation is for new clients. It’s an opportunity to help with a problem or situation you are currently struggling with. This is a perfect way for you to get some quick results and insights. It is also a great way to see how we can work together should you decide to invest in a coaching partnership over a longer period of time.


Simply click on the “Let’s have a conversation’ button below, complete the form and in the message, indicate you would like to invest in the one hour Discovery Call. I will give  instructions on where to send your etransfer and upon receipt, I will contact you by email so we can set up a time to talk by phone or video chat.

"Pay-As-You-Go" Clarity Sessions: Investment in yourself is $125

These one hour 'clarity conversations' are perfect for you if we've already had a "Discovery Call" and you are now ready to commit in an informal way to more coaching. Each call is by phone or video chat and can be purchased one at a time; whenever you feel you need to talk about something specific that has come up in your life, or you feel a mental tune-up is in order because you're learning to follow your inner wisdom and it just feels right!

If you sense more than one or two conversations are on the horizon, you can save some cash by investing in the "Deep Dive" Coaching Package (below).

Click on the button below and indicate 

 "Deep Dive" Coaching Package : Investment in yourself is $450!

This investment in your personal transformation will begin with a “Deep Dive Assessment”. Upon commitment, you will receive an in-depth questionnaire to help you connect with your inner thoughts, feelings and emotions. We will review your assessment and more on our first Clarity Conversation. I call this the “Discovery Call”. We will continue to meet by phone or video chat for three more sessions (for a total of four). Most clients have found it beneficial to space appointments to every other week to give time in between for reflection and personal work, however it is ultimately up to you.


Each conversation will build upon the last one. We will talk about any challenges you’ve had since we last met or discuss questions or unresolved thoughts or feelings. In the time between our sessions, I encourage you  to take part in self-reflection exercises through journaling,  personal work and some reading suggestions. During our time together, you have unlimited access to me (through email) in order to get questions answered or concerns voiced between sessions. 


All four sessions must be used within two months of purchase.

What makes me qualified to help you?

  • Since 2004, I have had the honour of serving over 1,500 couples and families through my work as a non-denominational minister. In that time, I was essentially a coach to every couple during the planning of their weddings and to all the families I represented as we navigated through their pain and grief while planning their loved one’s celebration of life. As I officiated each ceremony, I was also working fulltime, being the best  wife and mom I could be. I was also involved in formal training to become a professional life coach. In that time, I honed my skills as an intuitive and resourceful minister and coach, a wonderful listener, a confidante and a business woman. I wore many hats over those  years, as I blossomed and evolved into several different versions of myself.


  • Over the past 18 years, I have trained in coaching through The Coaches Training Institute, studied under our famous Canadian new thought leader and businessman, Bob Proctor and spiritual, coaching mentor, Mary Morrissey. All amazing experiences have had life-changing effects on me and have helped me to develop a belief in myself and my coaching. 


  • I’m making somewhat of a bold statement here, however I believe the most important credential I have is the 30 year journey I have been on understanding myself better as a human.  I have done several deep dive excavations of my own spirituality, I have wrestled with my own beliefs, understanding my patriarchal conditioning, getting familiar with societal and family patterns and through it all I have helped many others in this beautiful messy world with compassion, insight, humility and being fully present to their pain.


  • I believe my success as a minister and life coach to this point has been because I provide a safe and what I would call a ‘sturdy’ place for my clients to land. I hold a safe space for people in various situations no matter what is going on around me. I’ve been told many times over the years that I have an energy about me that is calming and grounded, soft and inviting. I couldn’t see it for the longest time, however now I have found it, I’m learning to embrace it. I cultivate this part of myself to provide the safest and most trusting place for each of my clients.

Awakenings and transformations occur when you’ve had a profound experience that shifts your consciousness to a greater awareness. You no longer see the world or yourself in the same way. Sometimes we need help in the form of a guide, accountability partner and coach to help us navigate these changes to help make them stick; to be a permanent part of our day to day lives.

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." - T.S. Eliot

Mandi Neiser Inner Wisdom Coach

“In order for your life to change, you must realize it is YOU who needs to change. The best way to do this is by understanding the simple, yet not easy fact that we see our world not as it is but as we are” - Mandi

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